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The Texture VS Race curriculum tours salons, beauty schools, and brands across the country to teach beauty professionals how to create safer spaces inclusive of all textures and cultures. Keya Neal and the Texture VS Race Collaborative Coaches facilitate technical demonstrations and hands-on education and include cutting, coloring, and styling classes. 

From the front desk to your services offered, inclusion is an active act. We'll break down society and industry biases surrounding hair and race. Study the science behind hair to learn how to identify the unique characteristics of an individual's unique fabric.


We will push you to continue to grow as an active ally.

Language of Texture

Talk about hair with awareness by deconstructing innate biases and demystify the concept of "texture."

Identify Hair as Fabric

Learn how to identify the key components of texture and how to modify your technique for your client's unique fabrics of hair.


Technical Demos

Cutting, color, and styling education taught by Keya Neal and Texture VS Race Collaborative Coaches, customized to area of need.

Hands-On Education

Implement and learn in real time with assistant from the Texture VS Race team as you're guided through learn techniques.

We strive to create safer spaces within the beauty industry. Aligned salons and brands are given the grace to ask question to learn and self reflect as we strive to facilitate conversation and encourage learning.

Interested in bringing Texture VS Race to your space? Click the button below.

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